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The Damaging Effects Of Mould In The Workplace

Dampness and mouldy environments in the workplace can be the cause of a lot more health issues than you might immediately think! Mould and other fungi can easily grow in damp indoor spaces without you noticing. Along with mould, these spaces are most likely carriers of dust mites and bacteria. The mould spores, in addition to these mites and bacteria, can cause serious damage to vital parts of your body such as your eyes and lungs.

To put it quite frankly, mould is probably one of the biggest health risks in the workplace, especially when not addressed quickly and effectively. So if you can see, or fear that there may be, some mould in or around your work space – it can pay to call in a commercial cleaner like us here at Solutions 4 Cleaning immediately. Better to be safe than sorry.

If this sounds like you – please contact us here and we’ll get out to your workplace urgently.

But let’s say, the mould has been there for a while. How can you tell if it’s already causing health issues? Well, the immediate symptoms that this form of fungus is causing havoc starts with the simple things – the kind of symptoms that could easily be written off as some other illness. For example, if you’ve been noticing some nasal stuffiness, coughing and wheezing, eye irritation or even headaches in yourself or your employees – this may be the result of mould in your workplace.

The health risks of mould in the workplace vary from person to person – but you should be particularly concerned for anybody in your organisation that suffer from ailments such as severe allergies, immune-compromised people and people with chronic illnesses. In some cases, serious infections in their lungs, particularly those with obstructive lung disease, may be detected when exposed to mould.

Even though it has proven difficult to indicate hard evidence of precise cause-and-effect, it may seem quite elusive.

Here at Solutions 4 Cleaning, we want to be sure that our subscribers and clients have the best information possible to identify possible symptoms caused by mould – with the hope they can be identified and treated far more quickly. We have seen the result of letting mould in the workplace go untreated, and it is NOT pretty. So, we have compiled a brief list of health conditions associated with exposure to mould as well, followed by some preventative measures you can take right now..


One of the points we introduced in the opening is the respiratory effects of mould. Symptoms usually include sneezing, irritation of the mouth and throat as well as red and itchy eyes causing an unpleasant working environment for those affected by this. Employees who suffer from allergies may suffer as mould can trigger asthma-related symptoms such as shortness of breath. These allergies aren’t just respirated. In some cases, it has been found that mould has caused skin irritation, dizziness and fatigue.

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis:

HP is a rare disease or disorder caused by an immune system’s response to inflamed lungs after an inhaling trigger such as dust, fungus, mould or chemicals. This development is often mistaken for pneumonia, however, it can not be treated with antibiotics and can thus cause severe, permanent damage to an individual.


Asthma is a more common lung disease that affects millions of people worldwide. The developed inflammation in response to sensitizing or irritating exposure hinders airways in the individual with asthma. When exposed to irritations, these people can experience shortness of breath, wheezing and tightness in the chest. Mould is one of the contributing causes of this.

So what are the best ways to prevent you having to keep your eye out for these kind of health issues within your employees?

Well to start with, you should definitely perform regular building inspections and promptly fix any roofing, windows and water system issues that could lead to the damp conditions that are perfect for mould.

On a day to day basis, you should ensure to control the humidity levels within your working areas.

And of course, a good commercial and office cleaning service.

A good commercial cleaner regularly checking and preventing the conditions conducive to mould is THE most effective way to avoid any type of fungus. A good cleaner knows which places attract dampness and mould and will be able to provide you with effective solutions such as dusting, disinfecting several areas, removing soaked upholstery and so forth. Most cleaners will be able to remove your mould, but it is about being proactive and preventative. A good cleaner will stop mould from ever becoming an issue in your workplace, and ensure any existing mould is dealt with conclusively. You can read more about our approach to mould cleaning and prevention here.

Overall, it is pretty common sense that you want to avoid any trace of mould in your workplace at any cost. Well not any cost – you still want a reasonably priced quote from a reputable provider **wink wink, nudge nudge**. We would all never put the wellbeing of our employees at risk – after all, they’re the heart and soul of a successful business, right?

If you’re looking for a commercial cleaning service that can address mould in your office, healthcare facility or any kind of workplace – give us a call on 07 3160 7306 or request a quote today.

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